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Sunday, November 29, 2009

So, I've finally managed to assemble the last couple of comic pages that I've been posting into a mini-comic collection called Dear Diaryahh 3. If you are one of my loyal follower(s), you might remember my first mini comic, which I assembled pretty much this same time last year. That mini comic was called Dear Diaryahh. What happened to Dear Diaryahh 2? you may ask. Well, I began editing the comic strips that follow Dear Diaryahh, but got side tracked with how awesome I though some of these longer comics I've been drawing have been, and one thing lead to another. so anyway, this contains a few strips that would have been in Dear Diaryahh 2, so they will be cronological....except for a few things....anyway, whatever. I will reissue them all in a new, remastered unabridged graphic novel format when I am famous. Here is the title page of Dear Diaryahh 3, AND 2, for your viewing pleasure.

If you find yourself admiring the beutiful perspective, they are all traced off photos...all three title pages...oh, and colin drew the first two. So there.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Hello, gentle reader(s)

The month of October has been kind of wacky, art-wise. My trusty laptop, which is three years old (about 90 in computer years) got some kind of computer swine flu and wouldn't even boot up. At this time my Dad, who is my computer guru, had just gone to Montreal for a week or so. I was still working on the CD art for Shiloh Lindsey, so I prepared to start scanning it onto Colin's PC. While over on his computer I decided to update his versions of Adobe, and then plugged in the scanner, which knocked out the internet. This happened before, all I had to do was restart the computer... which then revealed some other kind of computer swine flu.


So there I was with two defunct expensive paper weights. I need to use the internet to check on stuff for work, and Colin and I need to keep in touch with "clients", so this was kind of bad. Miraculously, a mysterious free wireless signal had been creeping into our place, which would only work if the apartment door was open. I could still access the internet with my iTouch, which was kind of novel.

I decided to change gears and focus on Halloween, my personal Christmas. I spent the week sewing and paper mache-ing. After Halloween my returned Dad managed with great focus to recover all my data and lo, there she was, the finished, unpublished page 6 of my epic Rock Show comic, mistakenly labeled as page 7...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

This summer I've been doing a metric tonne of work, although I haven't been posting here very much. This is partially because of commission jobs for Shiloh and Green Mountain, and partially because of my broken knuckle, and partially because of this here comic I started at the very beginning of summer. Just days before I broke my knuckle, I attended a really spectacular rock show of Andrew W.K. and The Evaporators at the Biltmore Cabaret (where the green mountain fundraisers were later held). I was really inspired to do a full mini-comic about the whole thing, and I have been working on it since then. I wanted to wait until I had a couple of completed pages before I post them up here, so I will slowly be putting them.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

more shiloh drawings! check out
I've been drawing some T-shirt designs for Vancouver country sweetheart, Shiloh Lindsey. look for her new Album "Western Violence and breif sensuality" out in october. I don't want to type too much because I broke a knuckle on my right hand in july, playing softball, it makes typing hard. Thank god I am left handed!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

First of two Pre party posters!

Believe it or not, I have been drawing like crazy lately. Here are two more posters I drew for the Green Mountain Music Festival. We are having two pre-show/fundraisers at the Biltmore Cabaret on Kingsway and 12th. (this is in the basement of the Howard used to be the biltmore hotel, and the Beatles would have stayed there, seriously, but they skipped town that night). I've been inside the needs a reno job. I am really proud of myself for drawing these in a timely manner and responsibly, but maybe it's because the show is in August this year instead of mid july, and thusly I have WAY more time to organize. Speaking of Responsibly, there are a half a dozen things wrong with the version of the poster I posted up here. I did a re-do (which I fully expected to be doing) and it is up around town in Nanaimo and also on the website of the show and you can also read a great article about green mountain in the July issue of the CITR magazine, The Discorder

The article in the magazine is illustrated by my poster! but the one on the website is can view the real magazines with my poster online too, you just have to look for the link to the PDF version, and open it,...super easy.

any way here are my latest posters.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

this one's for Colin's Mummy. I always liked this story about her.... however, the facts are dubious. This is how I hear it from Colin.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Well here it is...I have been working pretty steady on the poster since the last posting.

Monday, April 27, 2009

I just got word that The Green Mountain Music Festival will be happening again this year! I was assuming that James wouldn't be able to organize the show this year since he has only been back on his feet for about a month now. I talked to James on the phone this morning, and he said that the team made such incredible strides last year, all the logistical details seem to just be falling into place by themselves. It's James'es nature to want to do everything himself, but obviously he can't since he's still recovering from his brain injury. I learned a LOT last year about taking initiatives and being responsible, and just plain learning how to use photoshop. I am much much better at photoshop now, and I think my logistics are going to fall into place as well.
as far as artistically, I think I might use a bear for this years theme....that or something like a baby bird, or some other kind of bird, to use a heavy handed metaphor for Mike Gurr. James says that this years show will be the final show for The Hotel Lobbyists, then they will retire the name and reform as a new band. I'd like to use some kind of metaphors for that in this years poster, without using something obvious like a stupid Phoenix.
Green Mountain Music Festival!
August 8th, 2009
Nanaimo, BC

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tonight is the night I spend my hundred-dollar ticket to see Leonard Cohen! apparently he is still a great performer, even in his seventies. The other big-ticket item I mention in this comic, the David Byrne concert, was excellent, so hopefully this show will also be good. I can understand why these guys are so famous, because they are spectacularly carismatic performers. About 5 years ago, I got to see David Bowie at GM place, and I swear it was like he was singing directly to me, way up in the nosebleeds. That show was also worth the price of admission.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

This comic is from back in January, I was backlogged a bit because of my 10 pages of useless hourly comics...which I will NOT be doing (to such an extent) again. As far as this comic goes, this winter was especially harsh. We had several huge dumps of snow that reeked havok on the town. My strategy for dealing with my 40 km commute was to drive to my parents house the night before work so I would only have to drive through one city as opposed to three. This particular night, I started driving in the middle of a huge snow storm, I probably would have been better off driving that morning.

in other news, April 5th I went down to Seattle to the Emerald city comicon. I was only a spectator but it was a spectacle. I got to meet my favorite comic artist, Jaime (Xaime) Hernandez of Love and Rockets fame. I showed him my comics. He was very nice. nothing spectacular happened at this spectacle, but it was just really nice. like home.

Monday, February 23, 2009

This is an old comic I put on hold in order to do my hourly comics. It's really old.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I think that only one image at a time can be blown up, here. Thats annoying.

I am re-posting the images from the hourly comics that wouldn't blow up, so my poor blind aunties can read them.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Well, Feb 1st is Hourly Comics Day, where cartoonists go nutty drawing what happens to them every hour for every waking hour of Feb 1st.
So, I decided to participate in this, which took me until yesterday to finish. I hope you can enlarge the image, I know my last comics had some glitch, I will try to reload them.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Poor little Hedwig the Guinea Pig died suddenly at the end of November. That night I had a crazy Dream? vision? sleepy hallucination? I really SAW this strange thingy on the bedroom wall, be it a ghost or something in my head.